In July 2011 I had the most amazing opportunity to travel to India for a friends wedding. India was always a country that I knew I wanted to visit, but never thought I would actually get there. But when the opportunity came up I jumped at it, and I'm so very happy I did.
The most memorable part of my trip had to be going on a tour of Dharavi, the area that became popular from the movie Slumdog Millionaire, through an NGO named Reality Gives. They do amazing work in Dharavi, making sure to highlight the positives of this community, and they create programs within the community. I learned so much going on a tour, and I wish I would have had more time in Mumbai so I could have done some of their other tours that are available.
What I loved about the tour is how hands on it was, at one point we climbed to the top of one of the dwellings to see the true physical form of the community. Which put the land mass/population into shocking perspective.
As daunting the level of poverty is throughout India, and in Dharavi,it was a truly inspiring area to experience, it definitely put everything into perspective. I highly recommend everyone do a Reality Gives tour while in Mumbai.
Have you ever been on a trip/experience/tour that changed you?
**Backstory behind this photo: reality Gives has asked people to submit photos of themselves wearing their i <3 Dharavi t-shirt or tote bag in their hometown. So this is me in Oakville !!