Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Oh Canada Week: Sooke, British Columbia

View of the USA from Sooke's shores.
Sooke, British Columbia is about an hour drive west of Victoria. I have some family that live there, and was lucky to have visited in 2009. I had read about the natural beauty and cuisine for a few years about this part of Canada. Upon arriving in Sooke, my first words out of the car was a comment about how fresh the air was. I've traveled a lot, and never had I breathed such fresh air. I loved how you felt like you so far from any city, but in reality you are only about an hour away from Victoria. Sooke is such a naturally stunning town, it literally takes your breath away.

Sooke shoreline
Now I must say I am lucky, my cousin who lives there happens to be an amazing chef, and I had one of the best meals of my life there, and it was just a New Years Day meal at my family's house. But now everyone is lucky, you can all taste my family's food, at the Kemp Lake Store Cafe. And the awesome thing, they serve gluten free food, which funny enough is going to be an added focus on this blog, as I just found out I'm now allergic to gluten.

Also, I'm convinced the people of Sooke are fantastic chefs, Carl, the winner of Top Chef Canada 2012 is from there as well !!

Do you have a favorite place in British Columbia?

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