Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Oh Canada Week: Tide Head, New Brunswick

I was born in lovely New Brunswick, out on Canada's East Coast, subsequently I spent a lot of time there, visiting my family. There is one place that will always stand out for me, is a small town in Northern New Brunswick named Tide Head. To get to this area of New Brunswick you will have to fly into Bathurst, and rent a car and drive to Campbellton (more on their Salmon Festival later, and one of the best fried chicken places ever). You are literally across the bridge from the Gaspe region of Quebec in this neck of New Brunswick.

So Tide Head has an amazing beach, on the Restigouche River, granted its a rock based beach, but the scenery is stunning, and you can launch canoes out of there. Its a great "off the beaten" path kind of beach, and peaceful, I highly recommend canoeing out there, you will feel like its just you and the water.

So this area of New Brunswick is is extremely famous for its Salmon fishing, celebrities/politicial figures from both sides of the border come up and rent cabins to do some fishing. Which leads me into the best festival ever, the Salmon Festival in Campbellton New Brunswick, trust me the salmon in this part of the Country is the best.

Travel Tip: When in Campbellton, run don't walk to Dixie Lee Chicken, now I realize you can find this restuarant in some small towns in Ontario, and probably in other provinces, but I have yet to have better fried chicken. I mean is it healthy? No, but you're on vacation live a little !!!

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